Monday, March 19, 2012

My Birthday Wish List

Hi its me Addie sorry I haven't posted in so long I have been SUPER busy, but before I show you the pics of my new doll and the tote bag I made, I decided to make a doll wish list, showing what I would like to get for my birthday coming up in about a month. So here they are and it is highly unlikely that I will get all of these things because my doll wishlist is MILES long.

So, my wishlist...

Augghh, how did this picture show up instead of the Josefina one? Well anyway, Josefina is so pretty and her face mold is so unique, and I like Molly and Ivy too.

The Dreamy Daybed
One of my favorite things about my dolls is their furniture. I mean, it's just so cute. This bed is my favorite, its like mine.

Julie's birthday dress

 This dress is one of my favorites of Julie's whole collection ( except maybe for some retired stuff)

School Desk set
I have been wanting this for a long time, so when I FINALLY saved up enough money for it, I was ecstatic. Now I can't WAIT to go to the AG store!!! We live a few minutes away from one, so my parents decided that we would go once a week and I could spend money I had earned or saved from past months, so I will be there lots!!! : )

Yes, I still want this doll along with Cecile. I decided that her name will be Allie. I'm kinda pretending that she's a GOTY, so I picked a meet outfit for her and a few that you can buy additionally...

Meet outfit for Allie

Her Skateboarding outfit
( Actually, I think that the doll in this pic is Allie)

Her Pajamas

And Her Fancy Dress

Oh, and ALL of McKenna's collection, except maybe her bed and rain set. So, what do you think of my wishlist? Do you like Allie? I will try to post more regularly from now on.

Thanks for reading,

Friday, March 9, 2012

Hopscotch Girls

A couple days ago, Julie and McKenna were playing outside. They drew a hopscotch board and explored. They had a great time! I was there taking some pictures, and I wanted to share the best of them with you! Please comment and enjoy!

Here is McKenna and Julie playing hopscotch! Julie is jumping and McKenna is waiting. Wow, there good at taking turns.

Here is Ms. McKenna! I love this picture, I think it turned out really pretty.

McKenna and Julie telling secrets. The pink and the green things in the background are chalk, sorry I forgot to move it.

McKenna and Julie had so much fun playing outside!!!! Do your dolls like the outside, like them?

Thanks for reading,

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Is Molly being retired next?!!

I have been hearing some rumors that the historical doll Molly may be retiring soon!!!! :( This is so sad! I think this because I remember reading that a new AG historical doll will be released this year, so AG might decide to RETIRE one of the dolls. Also, Molly was one of the original dolls to be released by Pleasant Company (the other dolls that were were Samantha and Kirsten) so now it is Molly's turn to go. And last, I have heard on some websites that Molly may be retiring soon!!!! :( My little sister was looking forward to getting Molly this year for her B-day (her first AG besides some old Bitty Twins that used to be mine when I was her age). I hope that Ag does not retire her (and Emily, too!) soon!!!

Thanks for reading,

Monday, March 5, 2012

The Move

Julie and McKenna have been in a decorating mood lately and have been wanting to decorate their room. They made a bunk bed, but it would not work in their room so they moved under my desk. Their new room is very small-basically, the only thing in it is the bed- but they love it!!! Here are some pictures of McKenna and Julie enjoying their new bedroom! In the pics, McKenna is wearing a retired outfit from AG that I think looks just GORGEOUS on her!! You can learn more about her outfit in Project Dollway, which I hope to publish on Thursday. But, I am getting off subject. Here they are, the pictures...(I just checked AG playthings, and it is called the Sapphire Party Outfit. Funny...I had no idea that the shirt had to go under the dress.)

Here are Julie and McKenna in their new room!!! It is under my desk. We made it using the box McKenna came in, 2 bulletin boards, a shelf from my closet, 2 "mattresses", and 2 pillow cases. 2 of the pillows are from my loft bed, and the other is from the retired sleeping bag set from American Girl. We worked really hard on this room, we hope you like it!

McKenna on the top bunk, which she insisted on having! I think Julie (who is a little scared of heights) was okay with that though. McKenna has a poster from the new American Girl magazine. These photos do not really show the dress very well, sorry!

And here is Julie on her safe bottom bunk. She has the AG poster, which as you can see is much larger then the Journey Girls one. The bedding is a large square pillow case folded in half, like McKenna's. Julie is so happy that she will now be able to pin up pictures on her giant bulletin board!!!

This is Julie showing off the bunk beds while McKenna rests from her big gymnastics award ceromony. You can see the photo box that holds up the bed. She is ready for the sleepover, but it is not until tomorrow. Poor Julie.

I hope you enjoyed these photos, we had fun making them!!!

Thanks for reading,

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Hi everybody, I just wanted to tell you that even though this blog is about AG, sometimes there might be random posts because i am a random person. I just wanted to tell you something: WEAR A BLUE SHIRT TO SCHOOL ON MONDAY!!! Oh, if you want, you could have a blue party and get all of your dolls in blue and eat blue m&ms/ other blue food!!! This has been a message from me and my friend Olivia!

PS tell all your friends about this.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

The books Part 2

OK, so today we went to get the books I was talking about, oh by the way I would like to thank the person who gave them to me!! So here are the books, some of them are pretty recent and some date back to the late 90's. So here are the pictures:

This is McKenna and Julie, (wearing the skirt my mom made yesterday) saying THANK YOU and showing the books. Sorry, this is a really BAD pic that shows hardly any of the books. What was I thinking when I took it? Mostly, it shows the Short Stories and a few of Samantha's books.

I don't really know what to call this, but I will call it a MODERN SHORT STORY for now. When I downloaded it, it had an error, so I could not show the picture, but it is called Venus, Tara, and the Big Match. 

 The Short Stories that are about historical dolls. Each includes a recipe, craft, or quiz.

The Samantha and Nellie books.

The Kit Books

The Addy books

A whole lot of Julie and Ivy books!!!

And, last but not least, the second Mia book. 

This is Julie and McKenna saying thanks!!! Reiceiving these books was so cool! Do you like to read?

Thanks for reading, 