Saturday, March 3, 2012

The books Part 2

OK, so today we went to get the books I was talking about, oh by the way I would like to thank the person who gave them to me!! So here are the books, some of them are pretty recent and some date back to the late 90's. So here are the pictures:

This is McKenna and Julie, (wearing the skirt my mom made yesterday) saying THANK YOU and showing the books. Sorry, this is a really BAD pic that shows hardly any of the books. What was I thinking when I took it? Mostly, it shows the Short Stories and a few of Samantha's books.

I don't really know what to call this, but I will call it a MODERN SHORT STORY for now. When I downloaded it, it had an error, so I could not show the picture, but it is called Venus, Tara, and the Big Match. 

 The Short Stories that are about historical dolls. Each includes a recipe, craft, or quiz.

The Samantha and Nellie books.

The Kit Books

The Addy books

A whole lot of Julie and Ivy books!!!

And, last but not least, the second Mia book. 

This is Julie and McKenna saying thanks!!! Reiceiving these books was so cool! Do you like to read?

Thanks for reading, 

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